Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 said to be getting a welcome screen boost

The heavily anticipated foldable phone should get a massive upgrade to please users

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 review
(Image credit: Future / Mike Lowe)
Quick Summary

The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is rumoured to come with one big design change.

That change could make the user experience much nicer, too.

While we're all used to phones being a part of our daily life, foldable phones are still a rarer sight. That's changing though, as more and more users adopt the growing technology for themselves.

When you look at that industry, Samsung phones are dominant. Perhaps that should come as no surprise – they were the one of the first household name brands to market a device of this nature, and have remained near the top of the pile ever since.

Now, an exciting rumour has emerged about their next-gen flip phone – the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6. According to GSM Arena, the device will utilise a slightly thicker ultra-thin glass than its predecessor – the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5.

In theory, that should result in a less pronounced crease in the centre of the display. That's a big deal for foldable phones, as many bemoan the gentle slope which hides the hinge.

The report suggests that there is no redesigned hinge on this model. Instead, the new glass will do all of the legwork to reduce that hinge. It states that the Flip 6 will pack in a 50 micron thick glass, up from the 30 micron version on the Flip 5.

It even goes on to suggest some upgrades for next year's Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 7. That suggests that a new hinge design will be utilised on that model, which could make the cut out even less pronounced.

Of course, we'd recommend taking that second leak with a pinch of salt. While it could certainly be true as of right now, that model is still expected to be over a year away from launching. A lot can change in that time.

For this year's launch, though, the reported changes sound exciting. Anything which can be done to minimise the screen crease will be welcomed by users. We'll certainly be keeping our eyes peeled for further details over the next few weeks. 

Sam Cross
Staff Writer

Online news writer at, Sam has five years of experience in online and print journalism, with work featured in publications like Metro and Last Word on Sports. After years writing about music and football, Sam now turns his hand to bringing you news about new phones, smart home products, smart watches, laptops and TVs. Sam is a longtime fan and user of Apple products, including iPhones, MacBooks and Apple Watches.He’s also T3’s resident football expert, bringing you everything you need to know about the big games, including how to watch them. In his spare time, Sam is a keen guitarist, watch lover and (very) amateur golfer.