10 minutes and this full-body circuit to boost your strength and burn calories

Perfect for squeezing into the morning, lunch time or evening to get your body moving

Woman on the floor doing bicycle crunches
(Image credit: Getty)

When the weather isn’t warm it’s so much harder to be active and there’s no worse feeling than looking down at your fitness tracker and realising you’ve only done 50 steps the entire day. If that sounds familiar and you’re keen to get moving, then this circuit is ideal for you. It’ll take you 10 minutes, gets your heart pumping, those endorphins flowing, all while developing your full-body strength too. Just have your gym water bottle at the ready, grab an exercise mat and get ready to go.

Circuits are an ideal style of training when you’re pushed for time, as exercises are performed back-to-back and then you rest afterwards. According to TRAINFitness it’s an excellent way to challenge your cardiovascular system, as well as build overall strength and improve muscular endurance. They’re also great if you’re someone who gets bored easily whilst working out because of their fast-past nature and the variety of exercises that they include. 

This short, snappy workout will take you 10 minutes, so make sure you're ready to give it everything you've got. There's eight exercises in total and you're going to do each one for 30 seconds. You're going to try and do all the exercises back-to-back with no rest (although if you desperately need to, then please do). Once you've completed all the exercises, rest for 30 seconds, then repeat the workout one more time. Here's your exercises:

  • Double pulse squat 
  • Push Up (alternative exercise: knee push ups)
  • Side uapnk (do 30 secs per side)
  • Reverse lunge into a knee lift (do 30 secs per side)
  • X plank into mountain climbers 
  • Ab bikes 
  • Glute bridge 
  • Plank dips

Want some more circuit workouts? Here's a 10 minute strength circuit which uses a pair of dumbbells, or an 8-minute cardio circuit if you're even more pressed for time. If you need something that' not as high intensity though, then give this quick, full-body workout a try that's low-impact and gentle on the joints.

Bryony Firth-Bernard
Staff Writer, Active

Bryony’s T3’s official ‘gym-bunny’ and Active Staff Writer, covering all things fitness. In her spare time, you will find her in her natural habitat - the gym - where her style of training is a hybrid of bodybuilding and powerlifting. Bryony loves writing about accessible workouts, nutrition and testing innovative fitness products that help you reach your fitness goals and take your training to the next level.