Tom Cruise's best sci-fi with 91% on Rotten Tomatoes leaves Netflix next week

Edge of Tomorrow is nearly gone – a cult classic to not miss!

Edge of Tomorrow
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

There's nothing quite like a good sci-fi action movie to cleanse the palette after a hard week's work. But you don't have long to catch one of Tom Cruise's best-ever offerings in the genre.

Cruise is the definition of a box-office banker, but even he occasionally has movies that don't get the success they deserve, and Edge of Tomorrow is a perfect example – beloved by critics and audiences now, it still didn't exactly nail it in theaters. 

You can watch it on Netflix right now, though, but you don't have long to do so – it leaves Netflix in the US on 5 June, so the clock is ticking. 

That probably wasn't helped by marketing that couldn't figure out what to call the movie even after it had already come to DVD – you might have seen it as Live, Die, Repeat elsewhere.

Still, it's a veritable banger that very much deserves its stunning 91% score from critics on Rotten Tomatoes, with audiences in lockstep giving it a 90% score, too. 

The movie casts Cruise against type, for once, as the initially unlikeable Major William Cage, a marketing expert for the US Army in a near-future war against horrifying alien invaders. 

When he's called to active duty for the first time, he unwittingly gets stuck in a time loop, living through a disastrous human defeat over and over. Realising that Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt in fine form) seems to understand what's happening to him, he tries to enlist her to help him. 

The movie tells a really fun, brisk and twisty time-bending story of finding the fine margins and making the best of yourself, and it has a whole heap of amazing action scenes that take advantage of the hulking exosuits that these future soldiers all wear.

It also looks great, and there's fun frantic direction from Doug Liman, who also helmed The Bourne Identity – so he knows a thing or two about shakycam. 

Netflix would doubtless back itself as the best streaming service for action movie fans regardless, but this is a movie that we think it'll sorely miss once it's gone, so be sure to check it out while you can. 

Max Freeman-Mills

Max is a freelance writer with years of experience in tech and entertainment. He's also a gaming expert, both with the games themselves and in testing accessories and consoles, having flexed that expertise at Pocket-lint as a features editor. He has tested all manner of tech too, from headphones and speakers to apps and software.