5 reasons you should use antivirus software, even on a Mac

If you think your Mac is secure on its own, you’re wrong

(Image credit: Norton)

In today’s day and age, digital protection against viruses and malware is advanced more than ever. A huge variety of phones, laptops and tablets now come with built-in security software, making it easy to stay protected against cyber criminals. However, it’s still important to know that no device is immune from a cyberattack, and Apple Macs are no exception. 

For quite some time, there’s been a persistent myth that Macs, as opposed to other models, do not need antivirus software. This is mostly due to Apple’s clever marketing scheme, highlighting the attractive security features of the MacOS platform. Whilst this internal security system is one of the most advanced examples on the market, it doesn’t mean it’s entirely impenetrable. 

It’s therefore smart to not only have a secondary level of protection, but a different type of security platform due to the variety of ways users can be attacked by cyber criminals. As a result, we’ve summarised the top five reasons you should use antivirus software, even if you own a mac.


(Image credit: Drazen_ / Getty Images)

1. Macs are premium models, making them a target of attacks 

It’s without a doubt that Microsoft Windows is the world’s most popular operating system, especially as there are so many models that use it. However, if a cyber criminal intends on procuring a victim’s finances, Mac users stand a chace of being targeted due to their higher price range. 

2. Virus attacks can have expensive consequences 

If you are attacked by a virus, it can be a costly process to get your computer back to where it was before. Not only do attacks put your finances, identity and hard work at risk, but the consequences of having this information exposed can be hugely detrimental. Essentially, the money spent on purchasing a high quality antivirus software for your Mac is nothing when compared against the sort of damage virus attacks and malware can do. 

3. You can access comprehensive security features

Most antivirus softwares comes with comprehensive security features, most of which are included in the price. For example, Norton 360 Advanced Powerful Device Security has certain identity protection tools, such as Dark Web Monitoring and Identity Restoration Support in case of identity theft. Features like these provide additional layers of protection against cyber criminals trying to seize control of your Mac.

4. The best antivirus softwares update themselves 

These days, the best antivirus softwares automatically updates itself. There’s nothing worse than having to manually install a security update on your computer, especially if you’ve been putting it off for a while. That’s why it’s a good idea to go for an antivirus software that updates itself, making it a much easier and more reliable way to keep your Mac running at optimal health. 

5. It keeps everything running smoothly 

Having antivirus software installed on your Mac keeps it running smoothly, especially as it prevents any malware being downloaded without your knowledge. Macs are notorious for decelerating over time, so antivirus software ensures it won’t prematurely slow down due to viruses blocking your system resources.

Norton 360 Advanced Powerful Device Security helps protect against existing and emerging online threats to your device. With multiple plans available, users can expect several layers of protection for their online privacy, as well as features such as Dark Web Monitoring, Social Media Monitoring and Identity Restoration Support. 


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